Jireh, You Are Enough

“… And I will be content in every circumstance. Jireh you are enough…”

Maverick City Worship

My friend Jen always says she has trouble singing certain songs at church. She often quotes the song “Oceans” by Hillsong Worship, where some of the lyrics state: ” Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders… take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger…” as one of those songs. I always laughed at her reasoning but you know what? She’s completely right! When you sing a worship song, It’s almost as if you are making a vow, dare I say a pledge or covenant with God while proclaiming the bold lyrics of the song.

I found myself in this predicament with a song by Maverick City Music x Elevation Worship called “Jireh”. Upon first listen, instant love! Beautiful melody, powerfully anointed voices and wonderful arrangement. I found myself singing this song without much thought. But then…. one part of the song kept looping in my head, ” and I will be content in every circustance…” Wait… hold up.. EVERY circumstance?

Let’s look at the definition of content:

To be content(ed) is “feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation


In the middle of a pandemic? In the middle of life’s uncertainty? Umm.. how?? How can I be content when it feels like this world is imploding and crumbling all around us?

Let’s look at part of the story of Abraham in the bible. Abraham and his wife Sarah desperately desired to have children. This didn’t seem like this was going to be the case for them until one day ( Genesis 18) Sarah overhears Abraham in discussions with 3 visitors , one of whom told her that this time next year they would return to Abraham and his wife Sarah would have a child. Now keep in mind, at this time, Sarah was long past the childbearing years, so much so that when she heard the news she laughed! ( imagine being 90, and being told you were about to give birth? I would probably laugh too!) The Lord then asked Sarah, “Why did you laugh” and even though she denied it, He also asked her, ” Is anything to hard for God?”

Fast forward to one year later, Sarah indeed gives birth to a healthy baby boy whom she named Isaac. (Genesis 21) Through his birth, God fulfilled his promise to them. Wouldn’t you say that this would indeed be a state of contentment for Abraham and Sarah? But as it is in these times, life never goes without your faith being tested or your idea of “contentment” being disturbed.

Further into the book of Genesis( Genesis 22) we see just that happen. God told Abraham to take his son Isaac to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him as a burnt offering. Without hesitation , Abraham began to saddle up his donkey and prepare himself to sacrifice his son. Now I don’t know about you, but after waiting so long for this child and revealing in the state of joy and contentment Isaac must have brought his father, I can’t say I would be as easily persuaded to listen to the voice of God. I know for sure that my temperament would not be one of being content, but one of being sad, downcast, whoa is me and possibly even angry. Yet Abraham willingly did it. He told his servants to stay back with the donkeys and took Isaac and began to prepare him as a sacrifice.

Just as he was about to do it, the voice of The Lord called out to him by name and said ” Don’t lay a hand on the boy. Do Not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son” ( Genesis 22:12) Instead Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket and used that as his sacrifice instead. In the midst of this unbearable circumstance, God provided . He could’ve chosen to be sad and weary. He could’ve chosen to give up. He could’ve chosen his way over Gods way. He could’ve chosen misery and disappointment over willingly doing the assignment given to him by God. Instead, he chose to be content with what the Lord required of him, knowing God would be the Jehovah Jireh (provider) in that moment. In fact, Abraham then named the place Jehovah-jireh” meaning ” In the mount of the Lord it shall be provided”

God has many names but Jehovah- Jireh ( MY PROVIDER) is one of my favourite names to call him. I would love to say I am at a place where I live in a perpetual state of contentment.. but that is not the case. It is something that in this season of life, God is working on me with. The Christian life isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. I’ve hit the leg of the race where I no longer want to complain about what I don’t have, or what didn’t go my way. I want to compete in this leg of my life’s marathon vigorously pursing contentment. One thing I know for sure , contentment is not only achieving goals or racking up accolades. It is finding peace and resting in the promise that God is more than enough for me. If He never gives me another thing on earth, He’s already given me more than I could ever deserve.

I was talking with friend and we were talking about how throughout this pandemic we have not been in want for anything! (she even had covid and had no symptoms or after effects!) God truly provided during this time.

Elevation Worship x Maverick collaborated and wrote this amazing song called “Jireh” and I want to leave you with some of the lyrics as an encouragement today:

I’m already loved
I’m already chosen
I know who I am
I know, I know what You’ve spoken
I’m already loved
More than I could even fathom (more than I could imagine)
And that is enough …..

33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:33-34

He’s forever enough
Always enough
Always more than enough!

Be Blessed !

4 thoughts on “Jireh, You Are Enough

  1. I’m reading this and nearly in tears because I’ve struggled with trusting God in EVERY circumstance. It’s like I trust Him with some areas but not all and I need to work on that. These worship songs are VERY powerful and are a declaration… wow. I’m so encouraged to do better and be content and trust in EVERY circumstance.


    1. Girrrrrl ! It’s the easiest thing to say yeah I trust God. But putting action to the words, hardest thing ever. Stay encouraged! Gods got you ❤️


  2. I heard this song for the first time last night and stumbled upon your blog while searching for what the Jireh meant. I am deeply touched by your words! The word “contentment” has been popping up these past few days, and I am being reminded to trust in His will, trust that He is at work in every circumstance. Thank you for being a blessing Sophia! I pray we remain steadfast in our faith and in our desire to be content in His care for the days to come.


    1. Arlene ! Thank you so much for taking a moment to read what God placed on my heart ❤️ stay encouraged my dear sister . Our God is forever enough 🙏🏾


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