Goodness of God…

Exactly one year ago I wrote a post on this platform and promised, “I won’t ghost y’all for another year…” and then proceeded to do just that ( insert face palm ) I didn’t write, or barely even think about this blog for an entire year… and I’m sorry for that. I strive to be a blogger who is authentic. If I had posted this year( and believe me I tried ) it wouldn’t have felt genuine, and to my faithful followers, you would have noticed.

To be honest, this year the Lord quieted me. He put my creative juices on pause, and had me just focus on him. Recalibrate, if you will. I didn’t realize how much I actually needed that time to just slow down, well actually stop and focus on one goal… my relationship with God. It’s not like my relationship was on life support because me and God have actually been real good (lol) but life gets so busy and He really needed my attention this year. So I locked in and gave it to Him… and this year has been one of the greatest. God gave me 2 words and a phrase to focus on this past year. He told me to get ready for BREAKTHROUGH, He said watch me fulfil a PROMISE I made to you and He strongly reminded me to CHOOSE JOY.

I watched all of this play out over the last months. I made it my priority to choose joy as often as I could, even in the dark times. My family experienced plenty of loss this year that should have put me into the depths of despair, but I clung to what the Lord said that joy is choice and that the joy of Him is my strength.

I learned that joy and happiness are not synonymous : For me, happiness is an emotion , fleeting at best, while joy is a choice, a state of being, part of your character . I saw breakthrough in various situations, situations that I didn’t even realize were strongholds in my life. During this time of breakthrough, I saw growth In myself and the ability to live up to the meaning of my name; wisdom. I literally watched God fulfil a promise He made to me… in the exact timeline He said He would ….

But can I be completely honest? Maybe you can relate… Do you ever watch God do exactly what He said He was going to do, and still look at yourself and say… nahhhh this is too good to be true? Because I do! I know, I know its crazy but I truly do at times. But why doubt God when he proves over and over again that He never fails!

The song, “Goodness of God” has resonated with me immensely this year, in particular the second verse which reads:

” I love your voice
You have led me through the fire,
In darkest nights, you were close like no other
I’ve known you as a Father,
I’ve known you as a Friend,
And I have lived in the goodness of God.

37 was good to me. I had tangible moments in the presence of God, I chose joy , walked through breakthrough and I am learning to accept the blessings of the promises that have come to pass. I Thank God for his mercies, continued blessings and I pray year 38 is even greater !!

So what’s next? God keeps showing me a door… and in true fashion, He’s going to make the whole year play out before I understand what that means. LOL. Pray that He reveals it to me, and that I am open to receive it when time comes ❤

Im actually back for real this time! I am committing to one post a week to start and we will go from there 🙂 To my faithful readers, thank you for sticking around! Love y’all for real!

Till Next Time,

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